tips on how to get him to propose soon

Is your man ready for marriage? Read these tips on how to get him to propose soon to understand your man’s mind and help him make that decision. Men and women think along the same lines when it comes to many things. But marriage is not one of them. Well, at least in most common cases. For 88% of women, […]

relationship questions to ask one another honestly

Are you and your lover thinking along the same lines? Here are relationship questions that can help both of you understand each other better. A relationship is all about compatibility. And whether you tow are on the same level mentally, emotionally and much more Opposites attract all the time, but too many opposites and none to any similarities won’t really […]

RelationShip resolution every couple should make 2018

Avoid the ‘automatic no’ trap “In 2018, resolve that you will do what your partner prefers unless you have a strong objection to doing it. This is important because it makes your partner feel heard and like their input matters. On the fence? Ask yourself: ‘Is this something worth getting into an argument about?’ Because very few things are Be […]