NIGHTMARES AND SLEEP Nightmares are dreams with vivid and disturbing content. They are most common in children during REM sleep, but they can happen to adults as well. They usually involve and immediate awakening and good recall of the dream. Sleep terrors, also common in children, are often described as extreme nightmares that take place during non-REM sleep. Sleep terrors have […]

Need help with Antisocial personality disorder?

  Antisocial Personality Disorder People with antisocial personality disorder may disregard the rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society, lie constantly, as well as placing others at risk for their own benefits, it is sometimes referred to as sociopathic personality disorder, or sociopathy.   Can these people be helped?  Yes!! Unless the person risks harming their […]

Am i selfish?

what is selfish? selfish is a term defined for someone that only priors themselves. Cares about themselves more than anyone else no matter how much they love the other. A selfish person never puts anyone in front of their happiness or comfort. how can you tell if you are selfish? well there are different question you could ask yourself to […]

Cues That Someone Is Narcissistic

There are plenty of people high in narcissism who can be spotted right away. to draw attention to themselves at the expense of others. They feel entitled to special treatment and become negative when they don’t receive it. The vulnerable narcissists also need reassurance and have many insecurities. Psychologists typically conceptualize narcissism as a trait that you’re born, live, and […]

How strong and stable your emotions are?

stable and strong emotions are too defiantly powerful words. things you need to ask your self before jumping to the conclusion of “I’m perfectly fine and stable” or “I’m in control of my emotions” Ask yourself these questions to assess your mindset: 1. What inaccurate conclusions do I draw about myself? 2. What types of things do I beat myself […]

Basic way to stop an addiction

  Basic way to stop an addiction   Many of us having different type of addiction and that’s not something we need to be ashamed of. The key is to know what caused us to get to where we are now? what’s the cause to the addiction ? not every addiction is harmful, how ever if you are here you […]

You are worth more than a bullet.

  Emotional pain? bad break up?  disappointment in a friendship? listen to me before you decide. emotional pain to some people is the worst pain to go through. the brain goes at times through a bad emotional phase, people don’t feel understood or heard, and some are too shy or can’t afford a counselor. each person has their different situations […]

Don't give up on your life

Don’t give up on your life you are worth it   When we don’t love our self or feel depressed its usually after a disappointment of someone or we caused our self. First thing we need to understand Is that things happen in life! People fall to get back up and no one comes to this world Already knows everything. […]

perfect wedding checklist

Sixteen to Nine Months Before Start a wedding folder or binder. Begin leafing through bridal, lifestyle, fashion, gardening, design, and food magazines for inspiration. Work out your budget. Determine how much you have to spend, based on your families’ contributions and your own. Pick your wedding party. As soon as you’re engaged, people will start wondering who’s in. Start the […]


  What to wear to your first date? First dates are always scary and we are always worried about the first impression we will give our mate. We all know how much the first look means to us actually more than the person we are meeting. You may think, First date! I need to look amazing! But if you wear a LBD […]